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Showing posts from June, 2016

How to Remotely Debug Java applications deployed to AWS EC2 Instances

Remote debugging capabilities of IDEs can come in handy when you are unable to replicate certain situations locally. If your only option is to debug applications that are running in remote servers, you will have to make sure you have met few requirements: Remote applications are started in debug mode You know these applications' debug ports so you can make connections to them Network is configured to allow you to connect to these server through the identified ports Recently I found myself in a situation like this where I needed to have my local environment connect to a machine that was running in AWS EC2. This application happens to be WSO2 Identity Server which was deployed into WSO2's Carbon Server. The first thing I had to do was to start WSO2 in debug mode. I was able to do this by running the following command: IS_HOME/bin/ -debug 8005 (you can specify a different port here if you like) Once the above command is executed, WSO2 will be ready to ...