In an earlier post, I described my attempt to save some generated excel documents to OneDrive using OAUTH 2.0 client_credentials through the Graph API. That blog post is located here . OneDrive is for individual use. In our organization, we also use SharePoint. SharePoint 365 also uses OneDrive for its backend file system. However, Microsoft has different APIs to save data into SharePoint sites through its Office 365 APIs. This blog post will explain how you can configure your Azure Portal and Office 365 to save documents to SharePoint programatically. Overview of Technical Approach Office 365/SharePoint provide OAUTH 2.0 enabled APIs for access. In order to use such APIs, applications need to be registered with our Azure Management Portal. Once applications are registered, OAUTH 2.0 with client certificates will be used to eliminate user consent flow as we will be using these APIs programmatically by back-end applications. There will be no end-user logging into SharePoint. Here
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